

Interview 0007

Interviewee: Iselin
Date: 2014-11-15
Originating board: [r9k]

How old are you Iselin?


Why do you visit 4chan and specifically [r9k]?

i'm paranoid so being anonymous is great for me, and i visit r9k out of loneliness

Why are you lonely?

because i don't have any friends and i'm scared to leave the house

What are you afraid of?

people thinking i'm disgusting because of my appearance

Who do you relate to the most, Wojak or Pepe?

wojak when i'm depressed and pepe when i'm happy

What is a normie?

someone who can function normally in social situations

What is a robot?

someone who has given up on real life

Have you given up on real life?


What do you think about celebrities (real and internet ones) appropriating 4chan culture and sharing it with everyone else?

i really hate it. normies have everything and still take more

Do you enjoy visiting 4chan?

yes, very much. only thing that can still make me laugh

Do you have anything else that you would like to say?

